"For most of us, by far our biggest financial liability is going to be our retirement. Living without working is not easy, and it's getting more difficult as defined-benefit corporate pension plans go the way of the do-do bird. To live comfortably off your capital requires a very large amount of capital relative to our earnings. This is cruel (Lee Eisenberg wittily called me "Freddie Kruger" for daring to mention it), but it's true." -- Ben Stein

"Picture me gritting my teeth and wincing as I prepared to take the scab off my fears, ignorance and lack of initiative about Financial Well-Being. But I have to admit that once I started reading, I was engrossed. This book is definitely going on my 'Top 10' reading list."

"The good news is that no matter how far behind you might be in planning for retirement, The Number will help you both think about and achieve the kind of life you want."

"Bottom line: if you are—as I expect the great majority of readers of this blog are---someone who has thought a little about retirement and has tried to save some money for it, this book would still be an entertaining read. But if you have a child, or other relative, or a friend who isn’t doing those things, I think this book would be a fine gift."

"I recommend this book for people in their 40's and 50's. It may help refine their vision about retirement. It may make them postpone it due to a previously unrealistic goal, or help them make it an attainable goal, depending how in synch with reality the reader is. Either way, it will most probably help prepare for more fruitful post-work years."

"Anybody know how much you'll actually need to retire and live the lifestyle you want? While I waited for the Nyquil to do its thing last night, I caught a segment of Nightline on ABC. It was really very interesting.... They interviewed Lee Eisenberg. He posed the question--do you know how much you'll need to retire comfortably?"

"THE NUMBER is an exceptional book because it takes a fresh, entertaining look at an otherwise dull subject. Rather than pour over endless calculations, including the obligatory compound interest graph, Eisenberg takes the reader on a trip.... His style is engaging and conversational which is likely helpful to people who find themselves yawning when subjects like 401(k) accounts come up."

"THE NUMBER is your dear friend ...sitting you down for a long-overdue intervention. Except it's not nearly as scary as you think it's going to be, thanks to Mr. Eisenberg's always honest, often witty approach."

"I read this book from cover to cover the same day I received it and then I went back and read sections of it again. It was an enjoyable read but if you are looking for a detailed "how to" book on finances, this is not that book.
If you'd like to explore some of the issues facing those who are nearing retirement (especially the Baby Boomers) you'll find much food for thought here...and some rather scary details about how little many people are saving in light of soaring health costs, disappearing pension plans and other threats to financial security."

"I have a simple request: go read The Number, now."

"On Lee's work you will find a much needed heavy dose of reality. It will give you a very complete walkthrough of the challenges retirees face: health, sense of purpose, living arrangements, tied up capital, and family impact. By reading the book we find out about the challenges we have building up The Number: debt, uncertainty, lack of guidance, tardiness in saving, lack of help managing it, longer "Golden Years" than previous generations, and shorter accumulation years due to extended education. Mr. Eisenberg also helps us explore topics that go beyond the numeric value: giving back to society, volunteering, simpler life, and our passions. Lee also teaches you how to choose financial advice - very valuable by itself."

"When The Number comes out, I’ll be one of the first in line to read it. I hope it will help me not only to think about the retirement that I want, but also to demystify the way I will get there. "

".... his perceptive analyses of real and fictional people's financial hopes and strategies will inspire readers to reconsider their Numbers and their methods for investing."

"'Wow! He’s got my number,' might occur to you while reading Lee Eisenberg’s whiplash spin through the maze of retirement planning, The Number. He manages to deluge readers with facts and references made palatable by his witty but nonstop prose. A conversation with Eisenberg must leave one breathless. In this era of let it all hang out reality whatever, the Number remains the last bastion of modesty. No one, Eisenberg says, will reveal how much money he thinks is needed to retire comfortably. Worse, many don’t know. Worse yet, many are mistaken.'"

"The entire time I was reading it I was thinking about who else I knew that needed to read it. Personally, I think EVERYONE needs to read this book.'"

"The Number is a refreshing change — it is the first personal finance planning book I’ve enjoyed reading. (Lee Eisenberg, thank you for not talking down to me.) Overall, the main reason I enjoyed this is because the author and I share a similar sense of humor — a “quality” that is becoming increasingly elusive. For example, Lee calls one of metaphors — in this case, “explanations for why people aren’t planning” ahead — the Eisenberg Uncertainty Principles."

"I figured I'd read the first few pages and then put it in a pile somewhere, next to a firefighter memoir I got free a year ago and haven't yet touched. But Eisenberg's a terrific writer. His writing has a real voice to it. He comes across as a smart, wise, good guy. I can't put my finger on exactly why, but the voice really comes through. And I read the whole book. It's not really a finance book. It's more about how Americans are reluctant to talk about money, but need to save more and be smarter about how we invest or we're never going to be able to comfortably retire, especially given how long we're all living nowadays."

"There's a new book in town. It's called The Number. Never heard of it? That's because it hasn't even been published yet. But like any gunslinger in the West, reputation precedes appearance. Go ahead, put your ear down on that railroad track. Hear that train rumbling your way. It's the retirement train and it only has seats for those who bought their ticket in advance. The rest of us: we'll be singing the Medicaid blues in the key of 'compassionate conservatism.'"

"Grab this book after Christmas. It's a keeper and one you'll want all of your friends and family to read....for that matter, you'll want to pass it on to your kids."

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